Wednesday, 15 November 2017

京都嵐山虚空蔵法輪寺境内 小督塔 頼山陽撰「玉堂琴士之碑」

疇祉琴社 Chûshi Kinsya added 8 new photos.
京都嵐山虚空蔵法輪寺境内 小督塔 頼山陽撰「玉堂琴士之碑」
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Juni L YeungGroup admin 
Sensei, are there any known rubbings of the stele (托碑文本)?
(EDIT: 衣必綿布、無副 [衣は必ず綿布にして、副無し。] - that refers that he has no change of clothes?)
Muka FushimiGroup admin 玉堂は日常的に深衣、漢服を着ていました。鶴氅衣。副は福、羽織のようなものです。See translation
Kevin Wang 纪弼,乾隆时人,幸好潦倒在东瀛,若在满清,也吃皇上砍头了。纪氏诗书均有传世,奉两首
吁是琴翁子 心破絶知音
...See more
See translation
David Badagnani Since the original post contained no English, could someone kindly give a brief explanation of this inscription? Since the temple is located in Kyoto, Japan, does the character "琴" in this context refer to the guqin or some other zither such as the koto?
Juni L YeungGroup admin The text here is the original Kanbun/Chinese , along with the Japanese translation of Uragami Gyokudou's memorial stele, now situated in Hourinji in Arashiyama, Kyoto, Japan.

The memorial text was composed by Rai Noboru (San'you) of Aki Province, insc
ribed by Gyokudou's son.
The person we know today as Uragami Gyokudou is a qin player, matrilineal clan Ki (Ji), patrilineal clan Uragami, given name Bi, courtesy name Kunpo (Junfu), and served the Marquis of Bizen as House artisan. He is skilled with musicology, and procured a qin with all his possessions. The qin used to belong to Gu Yuanzhang, and the back is inscribed with the name Yutang (Gyokudou) - hence his self-styling "Gyokudou-kinshi".
7 November at 22:20Edited
Jim BinkleyGroup admin portrait which I believe was painted by one of his sons.
Jim BinkleyGroup admin more or less famous as a landscape painter ... don't know the best site for that - so the above is just something I found
Yuni Han I have this book.

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